Friday, December 09, 2022

A “mo-cap test” for agency

I mentioned Andrew Pickering’s history of British cybernetics to Clayton Lewis, and he immediately thought of Grey Walter’s tortoises. Clayton pointed me to Valentino Braitenberg’s vehicles. The Wikipedia write-up made me wonder about a Turing Test equivalent for agency: the mo-cap test.

The Wikipedia article asserts that “This behavior is undoubtedly goal-directed, flexible and adaptive, and might even appear to be intelligent, the way some minimal intelligence is attributed to a cockroach.”

The mo-cap test: 

  1. Attach motion capture balls to both (say) a Braitenberg vehicle and a cockroach;
  2. Record their movements; use the mocap to drive an animation;
  3. See if people can distinguish between one as organic and the other as technology.

Grey Walter, time-lapse photo with one of his tortoises,
via IEEE Spectrum. Photo: Larry Burrows/The Life
Picture Collection/Getty Images.

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