Saturday, June 29, 2024

Koinospace: Where the Org Things Are

In Demons: Mediators between gods and humans, Egyptian mythology inspired me to think about entities that liaised between people and ogregores. But where do ogregores live? 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Polymorphic Myths

There are often several versions of the same myth or legend. Although the characters are the same, their attributes and motives can vary. Sometimes a character is a hero, other times a villain. The plots can differ, too. It’s a reminder that stories, and perhaps the reality they reflect, depends on who’s telling the story.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Demons: Mediators between gods and humans

The demons of ancient Egypt, I learned today, were liminal figures that mediated between gods and humans. It got me wondering about entities that liaised between people and ogregores.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Ogregore taxonomy and ethology

A question from Matt Nesselrodt got me thinking again about the natural history of ogregores. Assuming that the central goal of the Big Five tech companies is profit, Matt wondered what their secondary goals might be. And are such goals unique to each company?